Gutter Cleaning Cost Guide – How Much You Should Expect to Pay

Gutter cleaning cost can vary from company to company; however, there are a few disputes over what a reasonable amount is to pay for gutter cleaning services. While cleaning your roof gutters may seem a simple enough task to the average homeowner, there are many benefits to having your gutters cleaned out by a professional.

Gutters can easily become clogged up with dirt, debris, leaves, and even birds’ nests. Regular gutter cleaning is essential to ensuring protection for your house against water damage. If your gutters continue to clog and prevent water from draining, the water will pool, and your roof will inevitably become damaged from moisture infiltration. In essence, while it isn’t the most glamourous expense to spend your money on; keeping your gutters clear with professional gutter cleaning services will ensure your house is kept safe.

The question on everyone’s lips is, how much does it cost to clean your gutters with a professional?


Your gutters direct water and protect the foundation, roof, walls and landscape design of your home from water and moisture damage. When your gutters become clogged up with dirt and debris, they are not able to do their job correctly, and the entire drainage system set for your house fails.

Generally speaking, a qualified roofing contractor or guttering maintenance company will execute professional gutter cleaning services. There are many reasons a homeowner may rely on a professional full service gutter cleaner to clean their gutters, including:

why you should hire a professional to clean your gutters
  • Appropriate equipment
  • Trained at heights
  • Safety equipment and measures
  • A full assessment of roof and gutters
  • Can make repairs on gutters, downpipes, roof materials
  • Can provide expert advice
  • Large projects
  • Peace of mind that job is well done

A professional gutter cleaning provider will be appropriately insured, requiring correctly trained workers who will comply with safety standards. Roofing experts will also have the necessary equipment, experience, and skill to ensure perfect execution of the gutter cleaning job. If you want a project to be done accurately, it’s best not to cut corners and simply rely on a professional. So, how much does it cost to clean your gutters?


There are a couple of variables to consider when determining the gutter cleaning cost for your property. A gutter cleaning price can vary from house to house. Naturally, cleaning the gutters of a low-set, single-storey house with a flat roof will cost significantly less than it would on a large multi-storey home. How much it costs to clean gutters depends on a number of factors, labour is the most significant addition to the costs involved. The most significant factors for gutter cleaning cost include:

factors that influence the cost of gutter cleaning


Gutter cleaning professionals will consider the overall scope of the project when determining the costs. This includes how much work is to be done, the measures that need to be taken to execute the job well, and how labour-intensive the gutter cleaning will be. A gutter cleaner will determine how many people are required for the gutter cleaning job, how long it should take, and how much the gutter cleaning service will cost.

Scope of the project can also include the addition of any further or preventative services. This includes the pruning and trimming of overhanging branches, installation or removal of gutter guards or any other fixtures, comprehensive roofing and gutter inspections, and any necessary gutter or roof repairs.


The guttering length and overall size of the roof will have a significant influence on how much it costs to clean gutters. Generally, contractors will use the cost of gutter cleaning per meter to help determine how much to charge you – this means they will measure the length of the guttering and the size of the house. For larger homes, you can expect an inflated gutter cleaning cost. For small, low-set properties, then you can expect minimal work required and therefore, relatively inexpensive roof gutter cleaning cost.

The average home is 45 to 60 linear meters of guttering; a multi-storey house will need to multiply that with each level of the house. Multi-storey houses will require more time, safety measures and work, inflating the overall gutter cleaning costs.


Gutter cleaning costs will also depend on how clogged up the guttering is. If there is extensive accumulation of dirt, debris, and leaves, this will make the job more labour-intensive and time-consuming, and therefore, more expensive. Gutters require cleaning approximately four times a year (more if you live in a leafy area) to avoid excessive amounts of dirt and decomposed debris.

Furthermore, the more clogged up your gutters are, the more likely they will become damaged or cause damage to your roof. With more dirt and debris, the gutter trays become heavier and begin to pull away from the roofline or fascia boards. Eventually, full gutters can rip from the roofing altogether, damaging both the gutters and the roofing materials.


How difficult it is to execute the process will also influence how much it costs to clean gutters. High pitched roofs can make it precarious for cleaners and roofing contractors to easily get around, whereas flat roofs make the guttering line easily accessible. For this reason, there may need to be some extra precautions taken out, including safety harnesses and specialised equipment.

If the roof is in a relatively poor condition, this can increase the need to slow down and take extra steps of precaution. Corrugated roofing materials require extra care, as there can be “soft” spots on the roof in which it is dangerous to stand. Furthermore, if the roof is wet, this can also increase the amount of time spent on the job and safety precautions taken; increasing the overall costs of the gutter cleaning prices.


The average gutter cleaning costs in Sydney will vary from $200-$500; however, it can increase significantly if the scope of the project is significant. Unfortunately, there is no arbitrary answer to the question of how much does gutter cleaning cost. The above factors will be considered, and the contractor will use them to determine the overall costs.

While it might be tempting to hire and engage with a cheap gutter cleaning service, projects that include roofing and gutter work tend to be more dangerous than the everyday house-hold DIY task. Working at heights and handling roofing materials make gutter maintenance unsafe for the average inexperienced person. Gutter maintenance and caring for your roof are crucial to maintaining the structural integrity of your house – gutter cleaning is not something you should be cutting corners with.


Working with a trained, licensed, and fully insured professional to clean your gutters means relying on expert gutter cleaners to provide seamless roof performance for your home. Not only will a professional ensure all safety measures are undertaken to protect themselves, but they will also have the experience to safely handle your roofing materials without causing any unnecessary damage.

why gutter cleaning is important

While DIY gutter cleaning may seem like a simple 10-minute job, it takes expert gutter cleaners to ensure gutter systems are entirely clear, in good condition, and will protect your home. To allow for exceptional drainage, a professional gutter cleaning will inspect, clear, and enforce preventative measures to keep your property safe.

Don’t run the risk of injuring yourself or damaging your property during DIY gutter cleaning – engage with professional gutter cleaners for all your gutter maintenance needs. Vertec Roofing are the leading experts in providing cost-effective and high-quality roofing solutions. This includes all things gutter cleaning, repair, and maintenance. Our gutter cleaners have worked with every type of guttering system imaginable – when you work with us, you can be sure your gutters are clear of all debris, enhancing the performance of your roof.

One Response

  1. Thanks for sharing this informative post about gutter cleaning costs! It’s essential for homeowners to have a clear understanding of what to expect when it comes to maintaining their roofs. Gutter cleaning plays a crucial role in preventing water damage and preserving the structural integrity of the house. I’ve been considering getting my gutters cleaned, so having a cost guide like this is incredibly helpful. Do you have any additional tips or advice for those looking to hire professionals for gutter cleaning? I’d love to hear your insights!

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