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What is Zincalume?

What is Zincalume?

With the construction of a new house, commercial property, or warehouse, the question often arises about the requirement of a good roofing material for the new property. Durability and low maintenance are two decisive factors – both are very well covered by Zincalume. As Sydney’s leading roofers, we are here to provide tips and information in this blog to help you better understand Zincalume roofing – answering questions like “What is Zincalume?” or “What are the pros and cons of Zincalume roofing?”. Let’s start with the basics.

What is Zincalume?

Zincalume is a metal that consists of two major elements: zinc and aluminium. It was developed in the 1960s and 70s to bring together the positive qualities of the two metals. Combining them to make Zincalume comes with a lot of benefits, especially in durability. As a building material, it is used in roofing, cladding, and flashing. In general, Zincalume is considered one of the toughest roofing materials.

What are Zincalume roof sheets?

Zincalume roof sheets are made to last longer. The combination of zinc and aluminium helps against the spread of corrosion and therefore extends the lifespan of any roofing. It especially excels in areas with high levels of humidity or salt air.

What are the pros and cons of Zincalume roofing?

Like any building material, Zincalume has many different advantages and disadvantages that should be considered when deciding for or against the alloyed metal. This part of our blog post shows the pros and cons of the material.

Zincalume is durable and long-lasting

First and foremost is the durability that comes from Zincalume. The aluminium in the coating protects the steel from corrosion, and the zinc adds cathodic protection. Zincalume is designed to last for many years and is a good fit for outdoor use.

Zincalume requires less maintenance than other roofing material

Zincalume roofing lasts longer, as it doesn’t rust as easily as other materials. Because of its great qualities for outdoor roofing, it requires significantly less maintenance than other roofing materials.

Zincalume is recyclable

If the Zincalume roofing is getting on in years and needs to be replaced, this does not cause any environmental damage. It is a sustainable roofing material; therefore, it can easily be recycled after its lifespan.

Zincalume secures the as-new appearance longer

The metallic finish of the Zincalume roofing can enhance the appearance of a rooftop. The uniformly matte and less glaring surface of the Zincalume is aesthetically appealing, hides imperfections, and is resistant to scratches and chipping. Thus, thanks to the durability of the material, the as-new appearance is better preserved.

The cons of Zincalume roofing

However, Zincalume is not a panacea for all roofing requirements. Although the roofing material has good properties for water and the exterior, there are materials that are more fire-resistant. Also, Zincalume roofing is also not as affordable as other materials. This is often compensated by the longevity of the sheets.

What is the difference between Zincalume and Galvanised roofing?

Zincalume and galvanised roofing differ from each other because of their coating. While galvanised roofing is almost exclusively coated with zinc and chromate, Zincalume is a mixture of 55% aluminium, 43.5% zinc and 1.5% silicon. With these different chemical compositions come different traits.

While Zincalume is ideal for a durable and corrosion-resistant roof, galvanised roofing tends to be more affordable and easier to work with. Before starting a roofing project, it is important to think about the qualities needed in the roof and to pick the right material for the job.

What is the difference between Zincalume and Colorbond?

While both materials are long-lasting, the main difference between the two steel materials is colour. While Colorbond allows a choice of 22 different colours, Zincalume is manufactured only in the natural aluminium colour. Although this gives the new roof a high-quality and long as-new appearance, the customer is unable to choose from a wide variety.

Whether renovation or new construction, we support you at any time in the choice and professional processing of the right roofing material. At Vertec Roofing, we are known as one of Sydney’s best roofing companies. We offer our services throughout the Sydney metropolitan area as well as Canberra and surrounding areas.

Get in touch with us – together we will find the ideal roofing solution for your next building project.


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